የኢትዮጵያ የግብርና ሥራዎች ኮርፖሬሽን Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation

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Agricultural Inputs

  • Soil Fertilizer የአፈር ማዳበሪያ
    Name Description Image NPSኤንፒኤስ compound fertilizerproduct intended for use as a straight fertilizer with 19N+38P2O5+0+7Sውህድ ማዳበሪያ ሲሆን በውስጡ 19 ናይትሮጅን+38 ፎስፈረስ+0+7 ሰልፈር የያዘ UREAዩሪያ Granular Urea (GU)product intended for use as a straight fertilizer with 46N+0P2O5+0K2Oበውስጡ 46 ናይትሮጅን+0 ፎስፈረስ+0ፖታሲየም የያ NPSBኤንፒኤስቦሮን compound fertilizerproduct intended for use as a straight fertilizer with 18.9N + 37.7P2O5 +… Read more: Soil Fertilizer የአፈር ማዳበሪያ
  • Manual Sprayer መርጫ መሳሪያ
    Name Description Image Matabi Manual Sprayerማታቢ Made of high quality UV resistant polyethyleneInternal tank reinforcing ribsManually dismountable ergonomic handle with sealsAdjustable straps with low absorbency of liquidPressure gageBuilt in filter in handleContainer capacity is 16 liter ማታቢ16 ሊትር የሚይዝ
  • Liquid Fertilizer ፈሳሽ ማዳበሪያ
    Name Description Image WUXAL MACROMIX A foliar liquid fertilizer containing 24% nitrogen(N), 24% Phosphate(P2O5), 18% Potassium(K2O), Iron, Manganese, Boron, Copper, Zink and Molybdenum.Crop Type: Tea, Cereals, Vegetables, Ornamental Potted plants, Teff, Faba beans, Peas, Potato, Tobacco.Rate of Application: It varies depending on crop type.
  • Fungicide ፀረ ፈንገስ
    Name Description Image Infinito SC 687.5ኢንፊኒቶ ኤስ ሲ 687.5 Common name: Fluopicolide 62.5 g/l +Propamocarb hydrochloride 625g/lPest to be controlled: It is a foliar fungicide for the control of late blight (Phythophthora infestans)Crop Type: PotatoRate of Application: 1.6 lit/ha with an application frequency of 4 times at 7 days interval. የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት- ፍሉዎፒኮላይድ 62.6ግራም/ሊትር… Read more: Fungicide ፀረ ፈንገስ
  • Insecticide ፀረ ተባይ
    Name Description Image Highway 50ECሀይ ዌይ 50ኢሲ Common name: Lambda-cyhalothrinPest to be controlled: Africa boll worm, Aphids, Jassids, Leafworms, Cut worms, Stalk borer, Army worms etc.Crop Type: Cotton, Pulses, Fruits, Maize, Sorghum, Teff, Vegetables, Sugarcane, Wheat, Barley, Tobacco etc.Rate of Application: 400ml with 150 lit of water per hectare. የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ላምዳ-ሲሃሎትሪን 50 ግራም/ ሊትርየሚቆጣጠረው… Read more: Insecticide ፀረ ተባይ


  • Peas
    Field pea varieties  Variety Altitude (m) Rain fall (mm) Days to  maturity Yield (kunt/ha) Research Farmers Tegenech 2300-3000 700-1100 135 30-35 15-29             Chick pea (Cicer arietinun ) Variety Altitude (m)   Days to maturity (mm) Yield/ha/(kunt) Rainfall (mm) Research Farmers Arerti 1800-2600 750-1200 105-155 16-52 18-47 Lentil   varieties under… Read more: Peas
  • Beans
    Faba Bean Varieties Varieties Altitude (m) Rain fall ( mm) Days to  maturity (no of days) Yield (Q/ha) Disease Research Farmers Reaction CS-20DK 2300-3000 700-1100 165 20-40 18-25 Moderately susceptible to Chocolate Spot & Rust Degaga 2050-2800           Tumsa 2050-2800 700-100 121-176 25-69 20-38 Chocolate Spot /1-9 scoring  (    ) Gebelcho… Read more: Beans
  • Barley
    Food  Barley Variety Altitude( m) Rainfall(mm) Days to maturity Yield (kunt/ha) Research Farmers HB-1307 2000-3000 700-1000 137   35 Malt barley Holker 2300-2800 500-700 139-141 14-18 14-18 EH-1847 2200-2800 >500 121-161 44 34 Ibon 174 2000-2800 500 120   35
  • Teff
    Variety Altitude Rainfall (mm) Days to maturity Yield/ha(kunt.) Research Farmers Kuncho 1800-2500 800-1200 86-51 25-27 16-20 Cr-37 1700-2000 130-500 82-90 18-28 16-22 Negus 1700-2400 700-1200   28   Degim 1700-2500 700-1200   25-28 18-23 Boset 1700-2500 700-1200   25-29 19-24 Tesfa 1700-2400 700-1200 103 24  
  • Wheat
    Variety Altitude (m) Rain fall (mm) Days to  maturity Yield/ha/(Q/ha) Reserch Farmers kekeba 1500-2200 500-800 90-120 33-52 25-47 Dendea 2000-2600 >600 110-145 33-55 25-50 Lemu >2200 800-1100 140 55-65 45-50 king bird 1500-2200 500-800 90-95 40-45 30-35 Diglu 2000-2900 >550 128 40 31 Huluka 2200-2600 500-800 133 45 39 Hidase 2200-2600 >500 121 44-70 35-60… Read more: Wheat

Mechanization and Agricultural Equipment Supplies

About EABC

  • የኢግሥኮ አመሠራረት
    የኢትዮጵያ የግብርና ሥራዎች ኮርፖሬሽን (ኢግሥኮ) በግብርናው ዘርፍ ከ30 እስከ 38 ዓመት ልምድ ያካበቱ አምስት ነባር ድርጅቶችን ማለትም የኢትዮጵያ ምርጥ ዘር ድርጅት፣ የግብርና ምርት ማሳደጊያዎች አቅራቢ ድርጅት፣ የእርሻ መሳሪያዎችና የቴክኒክ አገልግሎት አክሲዮን ማህበር፣ የግብርና ሜካናይዜሽን አገልግሎት ድርጅት እና የተፈጥሮ ሙጫ ምርትና ገበያ ልማት ድርጅቶችን በማዋሃድ በሚኒስትሮች ምክር ቤት ደንብ ቁጥር 368/2008 መሠረት ታህሳስ 2008 ዓ.ም የተቋቋመ… Read more: የኢግሥኮ አመሠራረት
  • Establishment
    Establishment The Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation (EABC) is established as a federal government public enterprise by Council of Ministers Regulation Number 368/2015 with the authorized capital of birr 2 billion 440 million of which birr 610 million is paid up in cash and in kind. The corporation was formed by merging five state owned Enterprises;… Read more: Establishment
  • Anthem of EABC
  • EABC Executive Management
          Mr. Kifle WoldemariamChief Executive Officer, CEOአቶ ክፍሌ ወልደማርያምዋና ሥራ አስፈፃሚ   Mr. Feleke GezahegnAgricultural Machineries and Products Supply Main Sector, Deputy CEOአቶ ፈለቀ ገዛህኝየእርሻ መሣሪያዎች እና የግብርና ውጤቶች አቅርቦት ዐቢይ ዘርፍ ምክትል ዋና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ Mrs Menbere HailmariamChief Financial Officer, Deputy CEOወ/ሮ መንበረ ኃ/ማርያምየኮርፖሬት ፋይናንስ ዘርፍ ምክትል ዋና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ Mr. Tensay… Read more: EABC Executive Management
  • Branch Offices

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