የኢትዮጵያ የግብርና ሥራዎች ኮርፖሬሽን Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation

Manual Sprayer መርጫ መሳሪያ

Matabi Manual Sprayer

Made of high quality UV resistant polyethylene
Internal tank reinforcing ribs
Manually dismountable ergonomic handle with seals
Adjustable straps with low absorbency of liquid
Pressure gage
Built in filter in handle
Container capacity is 16 liter

16 ሊትር የሚይዝ

Liquid Fertilizer ፈሳሽ ማዳበሪያ

A foliar liquid fertilizer containing 24% nitrogen(N), 24% Phosphate(P2O5), 18% Potassium(K2O), Iron, Manganese, Boron, Copper, Zink and Molybdenum.
Crop Type: Tea, Cereals, Vegetables, Ornamental Potted plants, Teff, Faba beans, Peas, Potato, Tobacco.
Rate of Application: It varies depending on crop type.

Fungicide ፀረ ፈንገስ

Infinito SC 687.5
ኢንፊኒቶ ኤስ ሲ 687.5
Common name: Fluopicolide 62.5 g/l +Propamocarb hydrochloride 625g/l
Pest to be controlled: It is a foliar fungicide for the control of late blight (Phythophthora infestans)
Crop Type: Potato
Rate of Application: 1.6 lit/ha with an application frequency of 4 times at 7 days interval.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት- ፍሉዎፒኮላይድ 62.6ግራም/ሊትር እና ፕሮፓሞካርብ ሃይድሮክሎራይድ 625 ግራም/ሊትር
የሚቆጣጠረው በሽታ አይነት-ሌት ብላይት(ፋይቶፍቶራ ኢንፌስታንስ)
የሰብል አይነት-ድንች
የርጭት መጠን-1.6 ሊትር/ሄር ፣ የሚረጨውም በ7 ቀን ልየነት 4 ጊዜ ነው
Nativo Sc300
ናቲቮ ኤስ ሲ 300
Common name: Trifloxystrobin 100g/l + Tebuconazole 200g/l
Pest to be controlled: Yellow rust on wheat, Purple blotch on onion and powdery mildew on tomato.
Crop Type: Wheat, Onion and Tomato.
Rate of Application: 200-400 ml per hectare.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ትራይፍሎክሲእስተሮቢን 100ግራም/ሊትር እና ቴቡኮናዞል 200 ግራም/ ሊትር
የሚቆጣጠረው በሽታ አይነት-በስንዴ ላይ ቢጫ ዋግን፣ በሽንኩርት ላይ ፐርፕል ብሎችን እና በቲማቲም ላይ ፓውደሪ ሚልዲው
የሰብል አይነት-ስንዴ፣ ሽንኩርት እና ቲማቲም
የርጭት መጠን-ስንዴ፡0.75 ሊትር/ሄር
-ሽንኩርት፡1 ሊትር/ሄር

Insecticide ፀረ ተባይ

Highway 50EC
ሀይ ዌይ 50ኢሲ
Common name: Lambda-cyhalothrin
Pest to be controlled: Africa boll worm, Aphids, Jassids, Leafworms, Cut worms, Stalk borer, Army worms etc.
Crop Type: Cotton, Pulses, Fruits, Maize, Sorghum, Teff, Vegetables, Sugarcane, Wheat, Barley, Tobacco etc.
Rate of Application: 400ml with 150 lit of water per hectare.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ላምዳ-ሲሃሎትሪን 50 ግራም/ ሊትር
የሚቆጣጠረው ተባይ አይነት-የአፍሪካ ጓይ ትል፣ ኤፊድ፣ ጃሲድ፣ ቅጠል በል ትል፣ የጥጥ አቅላሚ ተባዮችን
የሰብል አይነት-ሽንብራ፣ ጥጥ፣ ጥራጥሬ፣ አትክልትና ፍራፍሬ፣ በቆሎ፣ ማሽላ፣ አኩሪ አተር፣ ስንዴና ገብስ
የርጭት መጠን-400 ሚሊሊትር በ150 ሊትር ውሀ/ሄር
Karate 5EC
ካራቴ 5 ኢሲ
Common name: Lambda-cyhalothrin
Pest to be controlled: Broad spectrum insecticide for the control of boll worms, aphids, jassids, leaf worms, strainer and insect pests in cotton.
Crop Type: Cotton, Pulses, Fruits, Maize, Sorghum, Teff, Vegetables, Wheat, Barley, Soybeans etc.
Rate of Application: 200-400 ml per hectare.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ላምዳ-ሲሃሎትሪን 50 ግራም/ ሊትር
የሚቆጣጠረው ተባይ አይነት-የአፍሪካ ጓይ ትል፣ ኤፊድ፣ ጃሲድ፣ ቅጠል በል ትል፣ የጥጥ አቅላሚ ተባዮችን
የሰብል አይነት-ጥጥ፣ ጥራጥሬ፣ አትክልትና ፍራፍሬ፣ በቆሎ፣ ማሽላ፣ አኩሪ አተር፣ ስንዴና ገብስ
የርጭት መጠን-200-400 ሚሊ ሊትር/ሄር
Ethiolathion 5% Dust
ኢትዮላታይን 5% ዱቄ

Common name: Malathion
Pest to be controlled: Storage pest (weevil, moths etc).
Crop Type: Cereals, Oil Crops and Pulse Crops.
Rate of Application: 50-100gm/Quintal. Do not use water only mix it up well with the target crop seed.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ማላታዮን 50 ግራም/በኪ. ግ
የሚቆጣጠረው ተባይ አይነት-የመጋዘን ተባዮች(ነቀዝ እና የመሳሰሉት)
የሰብል አይነት-ስነዴ፣ ገብስ፣ ጤፍ፣ በቆሎ፣ ማሽላ፣ የቅባት ሰብሎች፣ ጥራጥሬ አህሎች
የርጭት መጠን-ከ50-100ግራም/በኩንታል በውሃ የማይበጠበጥ ሲሆን ፀረ ተባይ ዱቄቱን ከእህል ጋር ደባልቆ ማሸት
Common name: Aluminium Phosphide (formulation type is tablet)
Pest to be controlled: storage pests in storages.
It is fumigant.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-አሉሚኒየም ፎስፋይድ 560 ግራም/ኪ. ግ (በእንክብል/በኪኒን መልክ የተዘጋጀ)
የሚቆጣጠረው ተባይ አይነት-የጎተራ ተባይ
የርጭት መጠን-የእህል መጋዘን በማጠን ተባይን የሚቆጣጠር
Dynamic 400FS
ዳይናሚክ 400ኤፍሲ/የበቆሎ ዘር ማሻ/
Common name: Thiram 20%w/v + Carbofuran 20%w/v
Pest to be controlled: Snout beetle on maize.
Crop Type: Maize
Rate of Application: 200-400 ml/quintal of maize seed. Mix recommended amount of Dynamic in 500ml of water to form slurry and add to the dressing manual equipment.
It is seed treatment product.

የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ቲራም እና ካርቦፉራን
የሚቆጣጠረው ተባይ አይነት-የጢንዚዛ ተባይ(ስናውት ቢትል)
የሰብል አይነት-የበቆሎ ዘር
የርጭት መጠን-200-400 ሚሊ ሊትር ለ 100 ኪ.ግ በቆሎ ዘር በ500 ሚሊ ሊትር ውሃ ተበጥብጦዘሩን መደባለቅ

Herbicide ፀረ አረም

Pallace 45OD

ፓላስ 45 ኦዲ
Common name: Pyroxsulam
Pest to be controlled: Grass weeds and annual broadleaf weeds
Crop Type: Wheat and Teff
Rate of Application: For teff- 400ml with 250 lit of water per hectare.
For wheat-500ml with 250 lit of water per hectare
የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ፓይሮክሱላም
የሚቆጣጠረው አረም አይነት-ቅጠለ ሰፋፊ እና የሳር አረሞችን
የሰብል አይነት-ጤፍ እና ስንዴ
የርጭት መጠን-ለጤፍ-400ሚሊሊትር እናለስንዴ 500ሚሊሊትር በ250 ሊትር ውሀ/ሄር
Auxo 337EC
ኦግዞ 337ኢሲ
Common name: Tebotrione 50g/l + Bromoxynil Octanoate 262g/l
Pest to be controlled: Grass weeds and broadleaf weeds
Crop Type: Maize
Rate of Application: 1.5 lit in 200lit of water per hectare and applied once at 4-6 leaf stage.
የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት- ቴምቦትሪዮን 50 ግራም / ሊትር እና ብሮኦሞኤግዚኒልኦክታኖኤት 262 ግራም / ሊትር
የሚቆጣጠረው አረም አይነት-ቅጠለ ሰፋፊ እና የሳር አረሞችን
የሰብል አይነት-በቆሎ
የርጭት መጠን-1.5 ሊትር በ200 ሊትር ውሀ/ሄር
Musket Power OD 460
ሙስኬት ፓወር ኦዲ 460
የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-2,4 ዲ 2-ኢታይልሄክሳይል ኢስተር 430ግራም/ሊትር እና አዮዶሰልፊሮን ሚትይል ሶዲየም 5ግራም / ሊትር
የሚቆጣጠረው አረም አይነት-ቅጠለ ሰፋፊ እና የሳር አረሞችን
የሰብል አይነት-ጤፍ፣ ስንዴ እና ገብስ
የርጭት መጠን-1 ሊትር/ሄር
Top Harvest 80EC
ቶፕ ሀርቨስት 80 ኢሲ
Common name: Clodinafob-propargyl
Pest to be controlled: Annual and perennial grass weeds
Crop Type: Wheat
Rate of Application: 750-900ml in 100-200 lit of water per hectare.
የንጥረ ነገር ይዘት-ክሎዲናፎፕሮፓጊል
የሚቆጣጠረው አረም አይነት-የሳር አረሞችን የሚቆጣጠር
የሰብል አይነት-ስንዴ
የርጭት መጠን-750-900ሚሊሊትር በ100-200 ሊትር ውሀ/ሄር


If you need to buy or rent reliable, modern and quality agricultural machinery and spare parts, please pay a visit to the Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation.

Importing and assembling agricultural equipment, rendering integrated agricultural mechanization services and providing maintenance service for farm equipment at an affordable price are among the responsibilities and functions of the Corporation.In this regard, the Corporation is working hard to satisfy the needs of its customers by importing reliable, modern and high-quality agricultural equipment and spare parts from Europe.

Currently, the Corporation is providing farm equipment like furrower and disc plows as well as tyre with inner tubes, batteries, filters, etc from Germany. And we assure you that these equipment are used for different soil types in all seasons. 

The Corporation also offers tractor, combiner, dozer, front loader, excavator and grader rental services for land clearing, leveling, land preparation activities, threshing, harvesting as well as for constructing road and irrigation canal.

Besides, integrated agricultural mechanization services are also provided upon customer’s request. In line with the fact that our customers continue to be witnesses to our efficient service and reliable supply.

So, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to visit our Corporation. And hoping that you continue to enjoy our services.

Let’s work together to modernize the agriculture sector!


Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation is located 1km away from HORIZON ADDIS TYRE S.C. or Volvo or Fafa Food Share Company on the road to Kaliti 

For further information, please contact us through the following phone numbers and email address:

                                +251-114 – 42 28 82

                                +251-114 – 42 41 77/84 



Gum Arabic Humera

Gum Arabic Harar Sidamo

Gum Arabic Gumero